
Wednesday 30 April 2014

High class...

Practice or not practice: the substitute teacher dilemma

When: 29 Apr 14, h 10.30 - 12.00

Where: Yogasana (Experienced), Indaba, NW1

How much: Drop in 16 GBP

It does not happen that often to be able to practice with one of my favourite teachers in the morning mid-week. Nirvana scenario: spacious room, energetic morning practice, few yogis = a lot of hands on adjustments from the teacher.

Traffic was maniac, parking my vespone has never been more difficult. Tube strike side effects.

As I sign in for my class, the friendly receptionist: 'Hi Anna, Stew won’t make in time today - we are finding a substitute'. 

A smile on my face tried to conceal my disappointment: no Stewart this morning? I came on purpose, I organised the entire weekly routine so that I could make this morning class and now this?! I do not even know who will guide us in the practice….?! I was not proud of my reaction, but at least I was keeping all this to myself. Of the 5 students after me, 2 left, 2 signed in rolling eyes up, 1 stood in stand-by waiting to hear who the teacher would be.

Stewart’s classes are usually full of Pitta and Vata dominant characters, you can try to get the picture...

Anyway, the class starts on time, Hortense leading. 

Oh, not bad at all - I say to myself - I heard pretty good things about her. I read somewhere she has trained with Dharma Mittra, amongst other teachers, and that she has a strong practice. Still, if stepping in another teacher’s (imaginary) shoes is never easy, covering for Stewart with no notice at all must be so intimidating. one could sense it in her voice. Impressive how this affected the energy of the class and the doshas, too.

 Still, it was a solid, honest and fun class. Well rounded, creative, challenging - and very, very different from what we all expected.

High Five & respect to Hortense.

Thursday 24 April 2014

London Calling Naked yoga


Can yoga work as an antidote to domestic violence?

Yoga for juvenile delinquents

Places where yoga is more than helpful are not often the places we expect...

Redefining Yoga


This article is written by a yogic guinea pig who went from 0-60 in his take-up of ancient yogic practices. What he learns along the way is fascinating and reveals something of the evolution that yoga has experienced.


Living Yogic Proof


This businessman shows how you can stay calm and focused under pressure and uses age-old yogic techniques to get there. Funnily enough, if there is one thing he would toss out of the window, it would be the asana practice, not the meditation

Forever young - the real reason for yoga


Yoga can help you stay forever young like Ryan Giggs

Sports yoga keeps Ryan Giggs and other Premier League stars fit and flexible. Sarah Ramsden, a yoga instructor for Manchester United and Manchester City, tells Mark Bailey how it can help you too

Ryan Giggs during a match



Nairobi, Kenya - Yoga has grown increasingly popular among the poorest neighbourhoods in the capital thanks to Paige Elenson and her partner Baron Baptiste, two American yoga teachers who established the not-for-profit organisation Africa Yoga Project in 2007.
Their goal was to create job opportunities and empower youth in impoverished areas of Nairobi. The two teachers raised $10,000 to found the organisation and train 40 Kenyan yoga instructors. Today, 72 instructors are working in poor areas of Kenya, including at schools and prisons.
Margaret Njeri is one of the teachers. She was an acrobat before starting the yoga-training programme. The young mother says earning a living as an acrobat was not easy. She sometimes even had to turn to petty crime to survive. She is now paid $100 a month to teach five classes a week in prisons, schools and other parts of the city. The rest of the time, Njeri teaches private classes to round up her salary. Thanks to yoga, she is now able to support herself and her one-year-old daughter.
Instructor Samson Muhalia, 53, says yoga has a positive impact on people. "What I really like in yoga is that it brings people together and teaches them how live together. It makes people share and discuss."


Enlighten up!



Featuring: B.K.S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, Norman Allen, Sharon Gannon, David Life, Gurmukh, Dharma Mittra, Cyndi Lee, Alan Finger, Rodney Yee, Beryl Bender Birch, Shyamdas, Diamond Dallas Page and many more!

A filmmaker is determined to prove that yoga can transform anyone. Her plan: select a subject, immerse him in yoga and follow him until he finds a practice that transforms him. Her subject: Nick Rosen a skeptical, 29 year-old journalist living in New York City. Before he can say OM, Nick finds himself twisted up like a pretzel surrounded by celebrity yogis, true believers, kooks and entrepreneurs. The more he investigates yoga the more contradictions he discovers, straying further from Kate's plan. They circle the globe talking to mystics, gurus, mad men and saints searching for the true meaning of yoga, encountering things they never could have imagined. They don't find the answers to their questions, they find much more. www.enlightenupthefilm.com